About Regional Secretariats
Objectives of the Regional Secretariats
The General Secretariat is supported by Regional Secretariats, which are groupings of Members formed on the basis of cultural, linguistic or geographical affinities and who share common concerns and needs. In addition to supporting the implementation of the activities of the OWHC Action Plan, the activities of the Regional Secretariats aim to :
make known and share the values and objectives of the Organization, while valuing the original contribution of the region according to its cultural and social particularities
promote the Organization and develop it by attracting new members
The Regional Secretariats are located in the following member cities, elected by their regional network every four (4) years during Regional Meetings that take place during the World Congresses:
Gyeongju, République de Corée
Varsovie, Pologne
Morelia, Mexique
Ratisbonne, Allemagne
Cordoue, Espagne
Regional Coordinators
Dr. Matthias Ripp
Regional Coordinator
Northwest Europe and North America
Regensburg, Germany
Mr. Michal Krasucki
Regional Coordinator
Eastern and Central Europe
Warsaw, Poland
Mr. Rafael Perez de la Concha Camacho
Regional Coordinator
Southern Europe and Mediterranean
Cordoba, Spain
Mr. Gaspar Hernández Razo
Regional Coordinator
Latin America
Morelia, Mexico
Mr. Sung-rak Lee
Regional Coordinator
Gyeongju, Republic of Korea