Republic of Korea

Contact us

Contact the OWHC

The Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) wants to maintain a close relationship with its members, but also wants, as a part of its mission, to listen carefully to the needs of its international community.

Contact the General Secretariat

Espace 400e
100, Quai Saint-André, Bureau 140
Québec (Québec) G1K 3Y2

Tel: +1 418 692-0000
[email protected]

Contact the Regional Secretariats

To contact a Regional Secretariat, please refer to the webpage of that secretariat:

Gyeongju, République de Corée

Morelia, Mexique



Questions, comments and suggestions

The OWHC and its website are in constant evolution; it is in that perspective that we always try to please you and help you the best way we can. Please feel free to send us your questions and comments.


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