Québec Roadmap
The combined effects of climate, economic, and social crises are putting considerable pressure on urban environments, which are particularly vulnerable in their historical and heritage dimensions. Faced with the scale of the changes underway, other ways of acting and new urban practices need to be considered by the member cities of the OWHC.
The member cities have therefore decided to act together. They are determined to draw up a “New Urban Project.” This system of common references, based on the shared experience and expertise of member cities, will contribute to the emergence of a new generation of urban development policies, strategies, and projects, nurtured by a heritage approach to sustainable development that reconciles the urban, the human, and the environmental.
To arrive at the proposal of the OWHC’s “New Urban Project”, a process called the “Québec Roadmap” has been elaborated.
Québec Roadmap
As part of the 16th World Congress (Québec, Canada, 6-9 September 2022), the member cities of the OWHC adopted the “Québec Roadmap”.
This Roadmap establishes the general operational framework for an exploration and experimentation phase which began on November 1, 2022. Composed of three steps, it proposes a process of collective effort which introduces and strengthens the concept of learning through actions.
Visit the Roadmap website to find out all about the program, its process, methodology, progress and prospects, and much more!
Website of the RoadmapNews
30 July 2024
International workshop of the Collaborative Network of Puebla
Puebla, Mexico
Latin America
Québec Roadmap
10 July 2024
International Roadmap Workshop: Brussels welcomes seven member cities
Brussels, Belgium
Québec Roadmap
4 July 2024
International workshop of the Marrakech Collaborative Network
Marrakesh, Morocco
Québec Roadmap
21 November 2023
Preparatory meeting for the Roadmap in Puebla (Mexico) – 16-17 November 2023
Puebla, Mexico
Québec Roadmap
Technical Assistance and Cooperation
Activities of the Regional Secretariats