On the Way to Oaxaca workshop
From June 4 to 6, 2013, in Cordoba, Spain, 19 participants presented 13 projects on the theme of heritage management linked to sustainable development in front of an international jury of 6 persons during the “On the Way to Oaxaca” Workshop.
The members of the jury were:
- Ms. Kerstin Manz, representative of UNESCO’s World Heritage
- Mr. Charles Moumouni, representative of Université Laval, from Québec in Canada
- Ms. Françoise DesCamps, representative of the Getty Conservation Institute
- M. Gerardo Corres, representative of the city of Oaxaca
- Ms. Vera de la Cruz, representative of the Faculty of Architecture 5 de Mayo of the Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca in Mexico
- and Ms. Manon Auffray de l’Étang, representative of the General Secretariat of the OWHC.
It should be noted that this workshop aimed to achieve three objectives.
- The first one was to fulfill the commitments made by the OWHC in its Sintra Contribution.
More specifically, its first two commitments on the collection of experience and the capitalization of know-how.
- The second one was to contribute to the programming of the 12th World Congress of the OWHC, “Heritage Cities, Sustainable Cities”, planned for November 19 to 22 2013, in Oaxaca, Mexico. Out of the 13 projects explained during the Cordoba Workshop, 4 will be presented on Wednesday, November 20, 2013: Aranjuez, Havana, Oaxaca and Regensburg.
These 4 projects where selected on the basis their relevance to one of the 4 themes of the World Congress:
- Culture: Cultural heritage in the context of sustainable development
- Environment: Environmental conservation and the vitality of cultural heritage
- Urban environment (a city and a territory): integral urban planning in Heritage Cities.
- Society: The value of society in the presentation of Cultural Heritage.
On the other hand, it must be noted that the 13 projects presented in Cordoba were invited to participate in the presentation of posters at the OWHC World Congress.
- The last objective is to use the conclusions and the comments of the participants of the “On the Way to Oaxaca” workshop, together with the conclusions of the World Congress, to create a permanent sustainable development program within the OWHC.
You can also see the photographs taken during the event by clicking HERE.
If you wish to have any further information, please contact the Program Administrator, Andréanne Charest : [email protected].