6 June 2014
Bamberg – Winners of the World Heritage Rally drawn
Bamberg, Germany

As part of UNESCO World Heritage Day 2014, on Sunday 1st June, the winners of the World Heritage Rally for Families were drawn. In this case, Lady Luck came in the shape of an onion. Arjun Naidu, from Singapore, who is currently an intern at the Centre World Heritage Bamberg, took on the role of the mascot of the Gärtner- und Häckermuseum (The Gardeners’ and Vintners’ Museum). As “Zwiebert”, he selected the winners, assisted by Patricia Alberth, Head of the Centre World Heritage Bamberg, and Evelyn Strauch, who conceptualised the World Heritage Rally. The first prize, a jersey of Brose-Baskets’ Captain Casey Jacobson signed by the whole team, went to Jannik Clajus (7). The twelve year-old Anna Stache won a basketball, also signed by the entire team.
In total, 113 people took part in the World Heritage Rally. The Rally took place on 18th May, the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Families’ Advisory Board of the City of Bamberg. 28 attractive prizes, donated by companies and institutions in the Bamberg region, were raffled to those who correctly completed a questionnaire to the World Heritage city of Bamberg.
For further information:
Zentrum Welterbe Bamberg
Geyerswörthstr. 3
D – 96047 Bamberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 951/87-1810
Fax: +49 (0) 87-1983
[email protected]