11 October 2023
30th World Heritage Cities Solidarity Day: Recap of Member Cities’ Activities!
11 September 2023
Message of solidarity to the city of Marrakech in face of the earthquake impact
Marrakesh, Morocco
Southern Europe and Mediterranean
8 September 2023
Let’s celebrate the 30th Solidarity Day of World Heritage Cities together!
9 August 2023
4 WH cities school project – The Future´s World Heritage, Future World Heritage
Banska Stiavnica, Slovakia
Eastern and Central Europe
11 July 2023
New project meeting of the OWHC regional secretariat for southern Europe and the mediterranean and workshop about trades
Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Southern Europe and Mediterranean
Québec Roadmap
10 July 2023
Resilience and Cultural Heritage in Urban Development
Regensburg, Germany
Northwest Europe and North America
6 July 2023
Regional Conference 2023 for Northwest Europe and North America in Bruges/Belgium
Brugge, Belgium
Northwest Europe and North America
28 June 2023
The OWHC-AP H!GH HERITAGE Hand-in-Hand Camp is back for REAL this year!
Gyeongju, Republic of Korea