13 June 2016
Bamberg’s new WH visitor centre – conception phase has begun
Bamberg, Germany

The office h nine Berlin will design the exhibition in the planned World Heritage Visitor Centre on the area “Untere Mühlen”. With their ideas, the planners impressed the jury, consisting of representatives of the city of Bamberg and the head of the Culture Service Center of Upper Franconia, Barbara Christoph. The approach to closely interlink the exhibition with the urban space and the adjacent restaurants, met with great approval.
The director of the Centre World Heritage Bamberg, Patricia Alberth, was very pleased with the decision: “We found an interdisciplinary positioned team that has the necessary experience and professionalism to work out a precisely fitting concept for our world heritage”. The visitor center, which should be completed by 2018, is offering a unique opportunity to the particularity of the Bamberg world heritage to be communicated to a wide audience.
“Our concept of the exhibition in the new visitor center is a holistic one. From the façade to the terrace up to the top rooms – everything will be dedicated to the world heritage. We transfer the importance of earlier days in the here and now and put the city and its people at the center, “said Volker Böhm of h nine Berlin to explain the approach of his office. And so much is already betrayed: Even the former mill function of the location and the importance of water will be taken into account.
According to experts of ICOMOS, the linking of World Heritage Visitor Centers with professional expertise of personnel is ideal. “The principle ‘all under one roof’ guarantees efficiency and added value for visitors,” Alberth stated. Besides the exhibition, there will also be events and guided tours in the new house, which are aimed both at locals as well as tourists. A special focus will also be given to knowledge transfer and interpretation for younger generations.
1. model of the new Bamberg WH Visitor Centre
2. Patricia Alberth, director of the Bamberg Centre World Heritage (right) and Diana Büttner, her colleague (to the left), are congratulating the winning team of “h neun Berlin”