23 February 2015

Welcome to the New Members of “OWHC-AP Youth Messanger”
Here at OWHC-AP, we welcome the new members of OWHC-AP Youth Messanger.
They are going to support our SNS strategy and contents by designing the web page, conducting youth projects, creating issues regarding World Heritage cities and building awareness of OWHC-AP in the cyber space.
I’d say we are incredibly fortunate that everyone will be bringing all different skills and passions for World Heritage to OWHC-AP and we are very excited to be working with Them!
The first workshop of Youth Messanger took place from 12nd to 13rd of February.
It was the first gathering of all the members of Youth Messanger and it was the first among the many classes we will give so that they can grow up as a young leader and take responsibility as a global citizen.
If you want to meet them, Please follow the link below and see who they are!!