14 September 2023
1 year of Roadmap… It’s your turn!

It’s been almost a year since the Quebec Roadmap began!
This is the perfect opportunity to launch our brand-new website dedicated to the program (see below) and to look back on this year of collaboration with the cities involved in the process, in the hope that you too will commit to this pilot approach for a sustainable urban future.
What is the Roadmap?
The contributions of the various cities involved have had a significant impact on the evolution of the issues at stake to which the Roadmap must provide concrete answers, as well as on the program’s methodology. As a result, we are delighted to present you with a simplified, adaptable and flexible process, recognizing the diversity of each city’s needs and constraints.
To confirm your participation in this initiative, you can now request the commitment of your mayor and start working on the issues of concern to your city.
Visit the Roadmap website to find out all about the program, its process, methodology, progress and prospects, and much more!
Access the Roadmap websiteBy joining the Roadmap, you can also benefit from a privileged promotional space through a virtual showcase where it will be possible to share your city’s best practices, experiences and ongoing actions, available on our dedicated site.
Cordoba Symposium – September 2024
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to get involved in the perspective of the Cordoba Symposium at the next OWHC World Congress (September 24-27, 2024).
By taking part in the Roadmap Collaborative Networks, you’ll ensure yourself a privileged place at this event, which will showcase the work of the networks. Your commitment and knowledge are the foundation of the Roadmap, and we look forward to continuing this collective adventure.
It’s now up to you to join the Roadmap!