1 October 2020

On September 28, a webinar was held on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the inscription of the Historic Center of Warsaw on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The webinar was combined with a regional meeting.
The cities of the region were invited to present their own topics, issues or problems that they were currently facing. The aim of the webinar was to exchange knowledge, experience and mutual support in the difficult time of struggling with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
40th anniversary of the inscription of the Historic Center of Warsaw on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Webinar and Regional Meeting. OWHC Regional Secretariat Eastern and Central Europe.
Sep 28, Warsaw
The opening of the meeting and welcome participants / Robert Piaskowski (Krakow), Michał Krasucki (Warsaw)
Recent conservation and development projects in Walled City of Baku / Javid Kazimov (Baku)
Historic centre of Saint Petersburg and related groups of monuments / Alexey Mikhailov (Saint-Petersburg)
Development of the Geospatial Display of the Budapest Built Heritage / Akos Capdebo (Budapest)
Upgrade of digital data, its accessibility use and interactivity mamaging UNESCO WH site in Vilnius / Gediminas Rutkauskas (Vilnius)
Banská Štiavnica and the impact of corona crisis on the tourism / Henrieta Godová (Banská Štiavnica)
City of Dubrovnik dealing with the covid-19 pandemic / Jelka Tepšić (Dubrovnik)
Regional meeting
The activities and current situation of the OWHC in times of COVID / Lee Minaidis, Félix Rousseau, Andréanne Charest (OWHC General Secretariat)
Informations from the Regional Secretariat Eastern and Central Europe / Michał Krasucki (Warsaw)
Open discussion
Closing the meeting / Robert Piaskowski (Krakow), Michał Krasucki (Warsaw)