24 April 2020
The OWHC invites you to share your pictures and tell your story!

In these difficult times, the OWHC continues to express its solidarity with all the leaders and the workers of our cities who make enormous efforts daily to protect all the citizens of their community.
One of the objectives of the OWHC is to encourage cooperation and the exchange of information between members. In that sense, let us all engage in a virtual joint action and mobilize our network towards a common cause: showing our cities’ uniqueness and similarities and the resilience they are demonstrating in this situation.
Have you ever seen your World Heritage city or site as empty as it is these days? Have you ever had the chance to see and appreciate its beauty as clearly as you can now?
The OWHC invites you to share, in your own social media platforms or directly with us, any videos or pictures that you have had the chance to take of your empty cities and sites.
This will enable others to continue enjoying the beauty and significance of your world heritage sites in these otherwise challenging times. These places of great significance to humankind provide meaning and inspiration to all of us even if we cannot access these places in person. Your photos and videos continue to make that possible.
Share your pictures by tagging the OWHC and #ResilientHeritageCities!
Complete info here!
In our historic cities, there are people who are still preserving our World Heritage despite the crisis. What are they doing at the moment to protect our heritage? How are they affected by this situation?
Are they changing their way of thinking? Are they considering a different way of preserving their heritage and cities in the future?
We would like to hear you and read your personal thoughts on the situation, from a heritage perspective. Tell us, in a short text, one specific aspect of your life and work at the moment.
Share your story here!