20 December 2019
New illuminations of Luxembourg’s fortifications switched on
Luxembourg, Luxembourg

On Thursday, 12 December 2019, the college of the mayor and aldermen officially switched on the new illuminations of the City’s fortifications encompassing the Schlassbréck (to the North), Boulevard Victor Thorn, Montée de Pfaffenthal, the Pfaffenthal Viaduct, the Trois Glands Viaduct, the Fort du Grünewald and the Tour Malakoff.
The project, which is part of a wider scheme to showcase the capital’s fortified world heritage site, stems from a joint effort by the City’s Service éclairage public (Public Lighting Department), Service Espace public, fêtes et marchés (Public Spaces, Festivals and Markets Department), the City of Luxembourg’s Environmental Officer and the firm, “licht|raum|stadt planung gmbh”. These new illuminations are actually the second stage of the project; the first phase covered the area between the Pont Adolphe and the Viaduct, encompassing Bastion Beck, Niederwall Louis-Beck and Niederwall Beck-Jost.
In upgrading the existing illuminations, the City’s aim is to showcase the capital’s fortifications in a more eco-friendly way, and to improve the lighting along the footpaths around the various monuments for greater safety.
Lighting of bridges, viaducts and fortifications
The new lighting illuminates the various bridges, viaducts and fortifications continuously and uniformly, and creates a compelling spectacle by highlighting typical elements of the architectural, topographical and urban heritage, thus enhancing the capital’s tourist appeal. This second phase has been implemented with the support of CFL (Luxembourg Rail) and the Administration des ponts et chaussées (National Roads Authority).
Sustainable development and respect for the environment
The new, modular lighting system promises considerable reductions in energy consumption and in operating and maintenance costs. All the old 250–1000 W spotlights have been replaced by dimmable 144 W LED spotlights, offering an estimated 80% in energy saving.
In devising this project, another goal was to reduce light pollution as much as possible, in view of a special study commissioned on that issue. Accordingly, measures taken to reduce light pollution include the use of warm white 3000 K UV-free light (which minimises disruption to nocturnal animals), angling spotlights to minimise illumination of the sky, restricting lighting hours, and reducing light intensities at pre-set times.
Phased implementation
Following the first phase of the illumination project in December 2017, and the second phase in December 2019, the City of Luxembourg will continue working closely with the relevant administrative authorities to progressively implement the subsequent phases of the project, most notably in Pfaffenthal and the Grund.
Cost of the project
Global illumination concept (estimated cost): €2.4 million