29 June 2018

European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018

Regensburg, Germany

“Lost Traces …” School projects with students from Regensburg, Italy and Czech



A collaborative effort with the State Working Group for Architecture and Training (a registered association)—a.k.a. Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Architektur & Schule e.V. (LAG)—under the guidance of Stephanie Reiterer and Jan Weber-Ebnet . . . http://lost-traces.eu/

Originally an initiative of both the Bavarian State Ministry for Education and Culture, Science and Art and the Bavarian Chamber of Architecture, the Teacher’s and Architect’s Working Group (a.k.a. die Arbeitsgemeinschaft bayerischer Lehrer/innen und Architekt/innen LAG) has set itself the task of advancing architectural and cultural education and embedding it across all disciplines within Bavarian schools.

The main goals are to enhance student awareness of architectural qualities, to develop critical thinking skills around the built-up environment, and to provide the necessary tools for active engagement with urban planning developments.

The project idea, “Lost Traces . . . “ hopes to encourage and support participation from schools across Bavaria in the cultural heritage year.  “Lost Traces . . . “  entails searching for architectural evidence, identifying European cultural references, and actively assimilating, staging, and recounting a “lost” and disregarded place.

The first project 2017 was called a “Search for Traces of Jewish Heritage in Regensburg.”  Falling within the scope of the “Lost Traces…” project for the European Cultural Heritage Year 2018 and the rebuilding of the Regensburg Synagogue, Jewish vestiges within the urban area of Regensburg were examined.  A project team consisting of pupils from the UNESCO-Project School Prag, the UNESCO-Project School Lappersdorf Secondary School, and the FOS/BOS Regensburg shed light on Jewish places in Regensburg (their relics, architecture and culture) in a four-day workshop.  They compiled and presented their findings in a temporary exhibit along a construction fence within the old town of Regensburg.  A further reference point for this collaborative work project was the New Parish Church (a.k.a. Neupfarrkirche) that ran a parallel exhibit on the building of the new synagogue.

The Lost Traces… Lead projects in 2018 took place on four different locations in Regensburg: St. Emmeram, Peterskirchlein, Anatomieturm Königliche Villa, Römische Therme Sportplatz Albrecht-Altdorfer-Gymnasium. The students worked during the school year on different topics to build some awareness in public to think about new usage of “Lost buildings and places”. They worked on exhibitions, a Roman festival for children (underground Roman thermae on a sports field of a Regensburg school), guided tours through an old anatomy tower and many more.
