1 September 2014
Photo Competition 2014 – Modern Life in an Old City
The Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) in the Northwest-European region invites its member cities to participate in a photo competition under the title “Modern Life in an Old City”. Starting with the official launch of the project September 8th, the Solidarity Day of World Heritage Cities, especially young people are invited to submit their photos on the OWHC webpage www.ovpm.org/en/Modern_Life_in_an_Old_City with a registration and upload function.
The competition will run from Sept. 8th to Nov. 8th and has two competition levels: on the first level, each participating city will select its winning photo and this will be awarded with a prize of € 350,-. The second level then will collect all winning photos of the participating cities and an overall regional winning photo will be selected in an international OWHC jury and honoured with a prize money of € 700,-.
The title of the competition intends to generate photographs showing modern, young aspects of live in a heritage city. A combination of young and old, favourite spots in a heritage site, architecture of the 21st century that goes together with historical facades – many aspects are possible.
The regional secretariat of Northwest-Europe hopes for many participating cities and invites everybody to take a camera and go out, get that picture, and participate!