25 March 2014
[meeting] 1st Regional Meeting for Asia-Pacific

1st Regional Meeting Asia-Pacific
The first regional meeting of mayors will be held on 25-27 September, 2014, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea with the theme of “Challenge of World Heritage Cities: Vision and Reality”.
Welcome all member cities of OWHC, NGOs, specialists and observers to join the historic gathering.
Mayors and experts will be requested to participate in the roundtable and group discussions.
- Arrival & registration
- Opening
- Keynote presentation
- Roundtable
- Group discussion(I, II)
- Network meeting
- Field tour(WH site)
- Recommendation
- Closing
- Field tour(WH site)
In addition, experts and site managers of world heritage cities from the region will bring together to attend the one-day scientific workshop on 24 September, Gyeongju.
Please contact to [email protected].