18 to 20 March 2024
Workshop in Berlin: “WH in Young Hands – developing attractive programs for young people”

18 to 20 March 2024 15:00-16:00 (GMT+01:00)
Regional secretariat
Northwest Europe and North America
The Regional Secretariat for Northwest Europe and North America organizes a workshop for its member cities and beyond:
Many UNESCO World Heritage sites encounter the problem of developing successful programs for a younger generation. Social media and digitization seem to be still not used actively in many WH management units. Our goal is to develop in a 2-day workshop new ideas on how to obtain a sense of ownership and future stewardship for the sustainable management of World Heritage Sites in the younger generation (focus age 12 – 22) and how to encourage the active participation of youth, make the youth voice heard on how they could be involved and contribute to World Heritage and its conservation.
We invite you to develop together, in an interactive workshop, an array of tools and collect examples from colleagues on how to shout out to the younger generation. We will also discuss the existing OWHC youth programs (in cooperation with the General Secretariat) and try to come up with new ideas. All site managers and communication experts are welcome to join us in Berlin!
For members of our Regional Secretariat, we will cover two nights at a hotel nearby the meeting venue (Landesdenkmalamt at Klosterstraße 47) – you would only have to cover the travel costs to and from Berlin. For members of other secretariats, you are welcome to register and talk to your coordinator for support. A detailed program is available here.
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