Bordeaux, France

General Information

Regional secretariat

Administrative status

City in the southwestern France

Bordeaux, Port of the Moon

Registration Year


Historical function


Location and site

The Port of the Moon, the port city of Bordeaux in south-west France, is inscribed as an inhabited historic city, an outstanding urban and architectural ensemble, created in the age of the Enlightenment, whose values continued up to the first half of the 20th century, with more protected buildings than any other French city except Paris. It is also recognized for its historic role as a place of exchange of cultural values over more than 2,000 years, particularly since the 12th century due to commercial links with Britain and the Low Lands. Urban plans and architectural ensembles of the early 18th century onwards place the city as an outstanding example of innovative classical and neoclassical trends and give it exceptional urban and architectural unity and coherence. Its urban form represents the success of philosophers who wanted to make towns into melting pots of humanism, universality, and culture.

Urban Morphology

Bordeaux, Port of the Moon, is an outstanding example of the exchange of human values over more than two thousand years, due to its role as the capital city of a world-famous wine production region and the importance of its port in commerce at regional and international levels. The urban form and architecture of the city are the result of continuous extensions and renovations from Roman times up to the 20th century. Urban plans and architectural ensembles stemming from the early 18th century onwards place the city as an outstanding example of classical and neo-classical trends and give it exceptional urban and architectural unity and coherence.

Registration Criteria

Criterion (ii): Bordeaux, Port of the Moon, constitutes an exceptional testimony to the exchange of human values over more than two thousand years. These exchanges have provided this cosmopolitan town, in the age of Enlightenment, an unparalleled prosperity that provided for an exceptional urban and architectural transformation that continued through the 19th century up to the present time. The different stages of construction and development of the harbor town are legible in its urban plan, especially the big transformations carried out from the early 18th century onwards.

Criterion (iv): Bordeaux, Port of the Moon, represents an outstanding urban and architectural ensemble, created in the Age of Enlightenment, whose values have continued up to the first half of the 20th century. Bordeaux is exceptional in the unity of its urban and architectural classical and neo-classical expression, which has not undergone any stylistic rupture over more than two centuries. Its urban form represents the success of philosophers who wanted to make towns into melting pots of humanism, universality and culture.





M. Pierre Hurmic

Ville de Bordeaux

Hôtel de Ville, Place Pey-Berland
Bordeaux, France

[email protected]

Mme Anne-Laure Moniot

Cheffe de service Architecture et patrimoine urbain en projet
Service commun Ville de Bordeaux -Bordeaux métropole

Esplanade Charles de Gaulle
Bordeaux, France
33045 Cedex

[email protected]

Mme Céline Papin

Adjointe au maire chargée des coopérations territoriales, européennes et internationales, Vice-présidente de Bordeaux métropole déléguée aux relations internationales
Ville de Bordeaux -Bordeaux métropole

Esplanade Charles de Gaulle
Bordeaux, France
33045 Cedex

[email protected]

M. Didier Jeanjean

Adjoint au maire de Bordeaux chargé de la nature en ville et des quartiers apaisés
Ville de Bordeaux

Hôtel de Ville, place Pey Berland
Bordeaux, France

[email protected]

M. Baptiste Maurin

Adjoint au maire de Bordeaux chargé du patrimoine et matrimoine, de la mémoire, de l'éducation artistique et culturelle
Ville de Bordeaux

Hôtel de Ville, place Pey Berland
Bordeaux, France

[email protected]