26 September 2017

The members of the Evaluation Committee constituted by the Regional Coordinator for Southern Europe and the Mediterranean, Mr. Rafael Pérez de la Concha Camacho; the Coordinator of the Heritage and Youth Project, Mrs. María del Pozo López, from Aranjuez; the Coordinator of the Craft Project, Mrs. Dª. Ángela González Quesada, from Granada and the Coordinator of the Mobility Project, Mrs. Dª Rosa Lara Jiménez, from Córdoba, have proceeded to the evaluation and selection of the winning works of the First Youth Artistic Expression Contest of World Heritage Cities 2017, according to an agreement adopted at the 16th Regional Conference held in Cidade Velha (Republic of Cape Verde) on July 7 of 2016.
The winner are:
FIRST CATEGORY (for young people born between 2001-2007 (10-16 years old)
1st Prize (€ 300): Margarita Pavlic, from Dubrovnik.
2nd Prize (€ 250): María Fraga Mendes, from Angra do Heroísmo.
3rd Prize (€ 200): Inés Arcones Delgado, from Segovia.
SECOND CATEGORY (for young people born between the year 1996-2000 (17-21 years)
1st Prize (€ 300): Bárbara Correira da Silva, from Guimäraes
2nd Prize (€ 250): Juan Francisco Fernández Blázquez, from Baeza
3rd Prize (€ 200): Márcia Eduarda Semedo Barbosa, from Cidade Velha.
The Jury also agreed to award a Diploma to the Secondary School of Salineiro, of the Municipality of Ribeira Grande of Santiago / Cidade Velha (Republic of Cape Verde), making an honorable mention for having favored the largest number of participants in the contest.