March 31 – April 01, 2017
The first international conference on the “Security of Historical Cities 2017“ surpassed all the expectations of the organizers and was very well attended. The 150 participants and their reactions have given additional incentive for holding similar conferences in the future, so that steps have already been taken towards organizing another conference next year.
The fact that Croatian ministries sponsored the conference further indicates its high importance. The conference was attended by representatives of the Croatian Parliament, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Internal Affairs, the County and Municipal State Attorney Offices, Magistrate’s Court in Split, Split-Dalmatian County Tourist Board, and many others (Faculty of Economics in Split, University Forensic Department, Croatian Auto Club and many others) who recognized the significance of the conference’s theme, and whose presence at the conference clearly supported the organizers in their endeavours to achieve the recognizability of this theme in all sectors and administrative levels.
At the offical opening, Radoslav Buzancic (Ministry of Culture), Ivo Basic (Ministry of Tourism) and Ante Sosic (Deputy Prefect of the County) addressed the audience alongside the organizers of the conference, Jakov Vetma (HUPG) and Slobodan Marendic (IPA SD).
The conference was also attended by many representatives of Croatian cities and municipalities, as well as their tourist boards: Trogir, Kastela, Split, Podstrana, Omis, Sibenik, Klis, Okrug Gornji, Sinj, Gradac, Karlovac, Cakovec, Zagreb and so on. There were also representatives from Tomislavgrad (BiH), Municipality of Kotor (Montenegro), Municipality of Iatra Neamt (Rumania), Alba County (Rumania), Ujbud District (Hungary) and others from foreign cities and institutions. About 40 participants arrived from Canada, USA, Italy, Great Britain, Germany, France, Rumania, Hungary, Slovenia, Montenegro and Turkey.
Aside from the lectures, the participants were able to enjoy a magnificent view from Fort Klis during the official open-air reception held on the first day of the conference. The relaxed atmosphere of the Gala Dinner, with a live band, was held on March 31st. On the last day after the lectures, participants enjoyed lunch and a marvellous sea view on an outdoor terrace of Hotel Le Meridien Lav .
Photographs of the conference can be accessed on the following link: http://www.shcconference.com/konferencija-split-2017/
Jakov Vetma, President of HUPG and Mayor of the Municipality of Klis
“We know how much tourism affects the GDP. Unfortunately, we often react after something happens, but this is about prevention and thinking about how to stop what could possibly happen.
I am happy that through this conference we were able to present Croatia as an undoubtedly safe destination, the Croatian Association of Historical Towns as a good co-organizer and my hometown of Klis as an historic city whose rich past is prepared for a more beautiful future. “
Dr.Peter E.Tarlow, Founder of the NGO Tourism&More
“From the moment I landed in Croatia, the people could not have been more kind. In tourism, one of the most important things is entering and leaving the country, the border crossings and their police. These are the first people to welcome us and the last ones to wish us a good journey. The first thing you do if you want to be a successful tourist country is to recruit, train and have a friendly, but likeable border police.
Croatia should promote the good work of its police. The fact is that as you leave your place of residence, you feel more comfortable when you see the police. Far away from home, the police becomes very important to the tourist. The police should not be looked at as only those who handle crimes, but as a proactive organization that will ensure that where I come as a guest will be safe.
Canada is proud to promote its police, and Israel is doing the same. If the local community cooperates well with the police, this results in success. But, you have to promote your police. That means they should be well-paid and trained. “
Slobodan Marendic, Chief of the Split-Dalmatia Police Department and President of IPA SD
“As for the concrete situation in our country, apart from our local crime, which maintains standard numbers on a yearly basis, we should not brag, but we can say that we are a safe destination. Over the last 25 years in the tourist season, and through projects harmonized with the EU and through our work, the Croatian police have shown the ability to respond to the challenge of contemporary risks. We strive to raise the level of services both to tourists and local citizens, and to comply with not only European standards, but also to what our citizens are accustomed to. This is why they are able to walk down the waterfront or Riva without any problems after 22 pm. “