3 March 2017
12th Metropolis World Congress

Metropolis, World Association of the Major Metropolises, is the global network of major cities and metropolitan areas.
With nearly 140 members and 30 years of history, Metropolis is the leading association that gathers the governments of the large urban agglomerations worldwide.
It serves as the hub and platform for metropolises to connect, share experiences and mobilize on a wide range of local and global issues, in addition to being the focal point of worldwide expertise on metropolitan governance.
Call for contributions
Help enrich the program
Share Your Expertise and Innovative Projects!
The 12th Metropolis World Congress, which will be held in Montreal (Canada) from June 19 to 22 of 2017, is seeking contributions for enhancing the programming and facilitating discussion among participants: mayors and political leaders, professionals, civil society and private sector organizations, and citizens.
Under the theme “Global Challenges: Major Cities in Action”, the Metropolis World Congress in Montréal hopes to get a hold on major cities’ new challenges and opportunities in a changing world where global and local issues overlap and where major cities are being called upon to play a greater role on the world stage. In the wake of the recent adoption of the New Urban Agenda, it is valuable more than ever to pool knowledge, expertise, experiences and resources in order to develop innovative approaches that are up to handling the local and global challenges that are calling on major cities’ leaders and populations.
CLICK HERE for more information about the call for contributions.