10 October 2014
Call for projects – XIII World Congress of the OWHC – World Heritage Cities, Resilient Cities

The Organization of World Heritage Cities launch today a call for projects through out its network of more than 256 cities with the objectif of collecting the best projects’ exemples related to urbain resilience and world heritage.
This call for projects is part of the organization of the XIIIth World Congress of the OWHC that will take place in Arequipa, Peru, from November 3rd to November, 6th 2015.
If your urbain resilience project is retained, you will have the oportunity to present and promote it in front of all the participants gathered at Arequipa during one day devoted to the theme of the XIIIth World Congress:
“World Heritage Cities, Resilient Cities”
You have until December, 19th 2014 included to submit the candidacy of your city by going on the webpage dedicated to this call for projects that you can find in the new section World Congress of the OWHC’s website.