9 October 2014

14th REGIONAL CONFERENCE 25-27/11/2014

Cordoba, Spain



Tuesday 25th November

Arrival and accomodation. Hotel ALFAROS. Alfaros, 18 St. +34/957491920

Location: Ancient Rectorate (C / Alfonso XIII, 12)

19h00 Conference Sintra´s Mayor and President of the OWHC on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Register of the Historic Center of Cordoba in the World Heritage List.



Location: Chapterhouse of Orive (Garden Orive)

21h00 Welcome Reception and Greeting from Mayor of Córdoba. Dinner-Cocktail


Wednesday 26th November. 14th Regional Conference

Location: Chapterhouse of Orive (Garden Orive)

  • Inauguration of the 14th Regional Conference by the Mayor of Cordoba, President of the OWHC and the Secretary General of the OWHC.

  • Attention reporters and family photo.

  • Morning coffee break

  • 1st Working Session.

  • Networking Lunch

  • 2nd Working Session.

  • Afternoon coffee break

  • 3rd Working Session.

  • Selection of Winners 2nd Young Photographer´s Competition on World Heritage Cities 2014

  • Adoption of agreements and conclusiones. Close of the 14th Regional Conference

  • Heritage Route.

  • Dinner


Thursday 27th November. Accesibility and Movility on Heritage Workshop

Location: Royal Botanic Garden

1st Working Session. Accesibility and Heritage

  • Inauguration

  • Project Accesibility and Heritage SRESM

  • Keynote Lecture. Project APPSIDE. Jaime Solano Ramirez, Director of GVAM Mobile Guides for All.

  • Exchange experience.

  • Lunch.


2nd Working Session. Movility and Heritage

  • Project Movility and Heritage SRESM

  • Keynote Lecture. Salvador Rueda Palenzuela.

  • Exchange experience

  • Conclusions and Close of the Accesibility and Movility Workshop SRESM

  • Dinner.


Friday 28 november

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