31 July 2014
13th Regional Conference

Give the Regional Secretariat a welcome to the City of Elvas (Portugal).
Approve the celebration of the Solidarity Day 2014, whose theme will be chosen for the XIII World Congress in 2015.
Convene and approve the basis of the 2nd Youth Photography Contest for 2014.
Convene and approve the basis of the 10th Internet Contest for 2014.
Publish the brochure of the Regional Secretariat for 2014.
Approve the Rules to pay the travel expenses. Therefore, the representatives of the cities in order can attend to the meetings of the Regional Secretariat.
Approve the continuation of the Craft and Heritage Project.
Approve the continuation of the Youth for the Heritage Project.
Approve the continuation of the Accessibility and Heritage Project.
Reiterate the organization of the Seminar about Legislation in the Heritage, in Aranjuez in the second semester of 2014.
Stop the meeting with the Regional Secretariat of North Africa and Middle East until its reorganization and election of a new seat and a Regional Coordinator.
Reiterate the fulfilment of solidarity projects among cities of the Regional Secretariat, according to particular cooperation requests.
Approve that the annual credit corresponding to Regional Secretariat will not be transferred by the OCPM to Cordoba Government, but the Treasury of the OWHC will do the payments directly, according to the records e instructions of the Regional Coordinator.
Contract the necessary external technical assistance in order to support the Regional Secretariat.
Approve the analysis and discussion of projects, themes and case studies in the Regional Secretariat for its election and following development in a Regional level as much as OWHC.
Propose the change of the celebration of the 14th Regional Conference in Cordoba for the first semester of 2014.
- Rhodes. (Grecia). Christodoulou Michael. Doruth Mayor
- Mostar. (Bosnia Herzegovina). Yubo Beslic. Mayor
- Córdoba ( España). Rafael Jaén Toscano. Concejal Delegación de Patrimonio, Casco Histórico y Naturaleza
- Córdoba (España). Rosa Lara. Arquitecta Casco Histórico. Ayuntamiento de Córdoba
- Aranjuez (España). María del Pozo. Directora F.A.P.C
- Lyon (Francia). Delas Bruno. Mission site historique
- Bordeaux (Francia). Touton Elisabeth. Adjoint du Maire
- Bordeaux (Francia). Moniot Anne Laure. Chef de projet Mission Patrimoine Mondial
- Strasbourg (Francia). Cassaz Dominique. Mission Patrimoine
- Angra de Heroisme (Portugal). Raquel Caetano Ferreira. Vereadora
- Sintra (Portugal). Marta Castelo Branco. Técnica de Relaciones Internacionales.
- Elvas (Portugal). Elsa Grilo. Vice-president
- Elvas (Portugal). Isabel Pinto. Técnica Museus e Patrimoine.
- Tetuán(Maroc). Ahmed Boukhobza. Vicepresidente
- Secretaría Regional. Rafael Pérez de la Concha Camacho. Coordinador Regional.