22 May 2014
Inter-City Intangible Cultural Cooperation Network (ICCN)

The Inter-City Intangible Cultural Cooperation Network (ICCN), UNESCO accredited NGO based in South Korea is the only international organization for worldwide cooperation of mayors and local authorities for the safeguarding of ICH as a vital component of sustainable local development. We are pleased to announce their upcoming event :
2nd ICCN World Intangible Culture Festival, General Assembly & Womens’s Forum
8~12 October in Isfahan, Iran
Worldwide Living Heritage celebrated and communities empowered
To cooperate with local authorities for equal and friendly sharing of living heritage and
the wellbeing of communities
- Partnership with local authorities (Joint participation of mayor and community in the ICCN activities)
- General Assembly(Round table of mayors), Thematic Workshop
- ICCN World Intangible Culture Festival (1st, Gangneung, Korea, 2012/ 2nd, Isfahan, Iran, 8-12 October, 2014)
- ICCN International Youth Forum
- Promoting dialogue and live interaction among members
- 40 LOCAL authorities, 25 cultural institutes, NGOs from 39 states
- 2013 6th Thematic Workshop/3rd ICCN International Youth Forum, Dubrovnik, Croatia
- 2012 4th ICCN General Assembly/ 3rd ICCN International Youth Forum, Gangneung, Korea, Accredited as an Advisory NGO to UNESCO
- 2011 5th Thematic Workshop/2nd ICCN International Youth Forum, Gannat, France
- 2010 3rd International Round Table of Mayors/ 1st ICCN Youth Forum, VLCNOV, Czech
- 2009 4th Thematic Workshop, KINGSTON, Jamaica
- 2008 2nd International Round Table of Mayors, CAIRO, Egypt (Official Founding of ICCN)