15 May 2014
Departure of Xavier Turcotte Savoie

It is with regret that we inform you of the departure from the OWHC of Mr. Xavier Turcotte-Savoie. Further to the recent election in Québec of a new provincial government, Xavier accepted a major mandate as advisor to a minister. For the OWHC, it is a great loss, but we understand the reasons of his departure, thank him for the excellent work he did, and are convinced that Xavier can look forward to a bright future. Thank you, Xavier! Your passage among us has been too short…
The staff of the General Secretariat
At Xavier’s request, we are forwarding his message:
Dear colleagues,
I would like to announce my departure from the OWHC , effective from Thursday, May 15. Indeed, new challenges await me now in the Government of Quebec.
Thank you everyone for the experiences of the last two years.
Those who were present at the last meetings of the Board of Directors or at the last General Assembly of the OWHC know that I was actively working on several projects of the Organization. I can assure you: these files have progressed well and will continue to do so as they will now be under the responsibility of Manon Auffray de l’Étang, a great Programs Administrator.
I would also like to thank the 7 regional coordinators of the OWHC. Matthias, Rafael (Carmen), Huh, Paulina, Ákos, Rassikh and Zoubeïr : thank you for your support and collaboration.
Thanks to Mrs. Gonzalez and Bartlett ; to JF, the OWHC’s webmaster.
Thank you, Lee Minaidis.
Thanks to the Presidents of the OWHC, Harry NG Brinkman and Basilio Horta ( and friendly Marta Texeira Castelo Branco), for their trust and support.
Thank you, Rachel Larouche, Director Office of the General Secretariat , for your dedication to make life easier and more enjoyable in the office.
And finally, special thanks to Mr. Denis Ricard, Secretary General of the OWHC. Mr. Ricard, you welcomed me to the OWHC and accepted new perspectives on the organization and its operations, you accepted to friendly debate with me, you opened my eyes to different realities. Having worked with you will always mean something special; I’ll keep a great friendship and the memory of a great man.
It will be a pleasure to discuss with you all in the future.
Best regards,