8 September 2020
27th Solidarity Day of World Heritage Cities
8 September 2020
Solidarity Day
An invitation to prepare the 27th Solidarity Day of World Heritage Cities
The year 2020 will forever be associated by our communities with the social and economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic which will be felt for months, if not years to come.
In recent months, the OWHC has invited its members to share the initiatives that have been implemented in their city to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. The Organization has made it a point of honour to recall that culture and heritage are essential components of our communities. It is with great pleasure that the OWHC noted, in its network of cities, the development of inspiring projects aimed at strengthening digital access to culture and heritage.
In addition, through this crisis, several movements aimed at buying local products and supporting artisans, local businesses and shops took shape. Several cities have also implemented measures to help the poor. Across the globe, communities have launched solidarity actions of unprecedented scale.
In exactly 2 months, we will celebrate this special day on September 8. Therefore, we would like to invite you, as part of this special year, to start preparing the celebrations of the Solidarity Day of World Heritage Cities by organizing activities in your community to promote and enhance the heritage of your city*. These activities can be carried out:
- Virtually
- In your city, respecting the sanitary measures in force
- Using the services of your local artists and artisans
Use social networks to promote your activities and use the hashtag #OWHCSolidarityDay to promote this solidarity movement towards our local communities.
To know more about the Solidarity Day and previous editions*The OWHC reminds all its members to respect the confinement and distancing measures applicable in their city.
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