
2019 Posters Exhibition – Olinda: Paint your heritage

Informaciones generales


Olinda (Brasil)


Conservación y valorización del patrimonio


Exposición de carteles




Founded by the Portuguese in 1535, Olinda is the third oldest village in Brazil and one of the assets of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of Brazil. Being a landmark in the colonial period, Olinda is the oldest site among the ten cultural sites listed in the Country. Its natural features mix the uneven urban layout, with the sea as the backdrop of the houses, churches, and convents. The church towers enhanced by wooded backyards are a rare case of exceptional universal value. The initial nucleus of colonization, from which the city expanded, is denominated Polygon of Preservation. This polygon has an area of 10.4km², and within it is the Rigorous Preservation Area. The Rigorous Preservation Area has 1.3 km². This specific area holds a colonial architectural treasure, with constructions of several periods of its history.