Banska Stiavnica
2017 Posters Exhibition – Heritage of Eurasia Through Children’s Eyes in Kazan
Informaciones generales
Kazan (Rusia)
Sensibilización / Educación / Formación
Exposición de carteles
The contest of children’s drawings “Heritage of Eurasia through Children’s Eyes” was held from February 01 to April 10, 2017, and was dedicated to VIII International Conference of Eurasia World Heritage Cities and the Children’s Day in Turkey. 2906 children from 153 Eurasian cities between 2-14 years took part in the contest. Participants reflected in their drawings the cultural heritage of their cites and the area they live in, traditions and cultural values of different nations of Eurasia. The contest was organized for the purpose of fostering a careful attitude for the heritage among the younger generation and promotion of cultural heritage sites of Eurasian cities. On April 22, 2017, the best works of participants were presented at the exhibition during the VIII International Conference of Eurasia World Heritage Cities.