2 September 2024
Workshop on “Heritage Futures” Sept. 24 in Cordoba
In the cultural heritage sector, we can often hear the phrase that the heritage must be preserved for the benefit of future generations, but it is not often asked what that means: which future generations? Which benefits? In this participative workshop, we are exploring in detail how cultural heritage relates to specific futures and how futures’ thinking can enhance the management of World Heritage Cities in the present. You will gain the capability of imagining alternative futures and how World Heritage Cities can contribute to finding solutions for a better tomorrow.
We would like to invite all colleagues from our OWHC member cities who will be present at the World Congress to join us in Cordoba Tuesday 24 September in the afternoon from 14:00 – 18:00 , for our workshop with Prof. Cornelius Holtorf, chairholder of the UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures in Kalmar/Sweden (https://lnu.se/en/unescochair)
The workshop will be open especially for regional members, but also other interested OWHC cities can join. It will take place at the Cordoba Convention Center, venue of the World Congress. Please let us know if you are interested to join by just sending a short email to [email protected]
We can host a maximus of 15 participants, so please register soon!