10 April 2024
The OWHC’s 2023 Annual Activity Report is now available!

Dear members of the OWHC,
We are delighted to inform you that the 2023 Annual Report of the Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) is now available online on our website.
This document presents a review of the key events and projects carried out by our organization and its members over the past year. You’ll also find information on the programs we’ve implemented, including the Québec Roadmap, our finances and key figures for 2023.
We encourage you to consult this essential document to stay informed about the actions undertaken in our network and current trends in the field of world heritage preservation.
Download the OWHC Annual Report 2023
You can also consult all previous OWHC Activity Reports by going to the “Resources” page of our website.
Thank you for your continued commitment to world heritage preservation and your support of the OWHC.
Yours sincerely
The General Secretariat