27 October 2017
Multimedia storytelling – Bamberg´s historical city centre is now accessible online
Bamberg, Germany

Bamberg’s World Heritage site is now interactively accessible via an online platform. The storyboard is an innovative website format linking facts, figures and stories about the Town of Bamberg in order to strengthen people’s awareness for the cities outstanding universal value. It is only one of many steps towards fulfilling UNESCO’s educational mandate prior to Bamberg’s 25th World Heritage anniversary in 2018.
By means of pictures, insightful videos and interviews the online platform invites citizens and locals alike to explore the usually rather complex World Heritage cosmos in an intuitive and playful manner. Additionally, an interactive city map provides information about the city´s most interesting historical sites. The platform http://storyboard.infranken.de/welterbe-bamberg was created as a cooperation between the Bamberg World Heritage Office and the Media Group Upper Franconia (German: Mediengruppe Oberfranken).